AZOO Plus Supreme Bioguard Beneficial Bacteria
AZOO Plus Supreme Bioguard Beneficial Bacteria
This brand new SUPREME BIOGUARD uses a new production process and the innovative technology of our "AZOO PLUS" research and development department. It contains selected new strains of highly active aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for the optimal decomposition capability and solves the problem of unfavorable water conditions and odors in the aquarium.
For a new aquarium: Add 20ml per loo liters of water.
Contains high concentrations of natural aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
Instantly decomposes organic compounds, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, hydrogen sulfide, and other harmful substances.
Breaks down the biological waste from fish and uneaten food, blocking the source of water pollution in an aquarium.
In the first week, add an additional 10mI per 100 liters once each day for 3 days.
For regular use and water changes: Add 10ml per 100 liters of water each week.