Sunkist Neocaridina Shrimp
Sunkist Neocaridina Shrimp
Sunkist Orange colour variant of Neocaridina shrimp.
Neocaridina shrimps can live in a wide range of parameters. They are quick to adapt to different environment. A suitable range to keep them would be as follows:
pH: 6.2 – 7.5
gH: 3-6
kH: 0-4
Temperature: 24-30 deg
Recommended tank size: 8L
Although they can live in different range of water, it would be good to acclimatise them properly before adding them into your tank.
-Livestock (fishes, shrimps, snails etc) will be delivered on only Wednesdays, between 1200hrs to 2000hrs.
-If no one is present to receive the livestock, we will keep it in a safe corner and inform you through text.
Why Wednesday-Only Delivery?
Why Wednesday-Only Delivery?
Delivering livestock is tricky due to their sensitivity to temperature, oxygen levels, and stress during transport. Even minor fluctuations can harm the fish/shrimps, thereby requiring secure, well-packaged, and fast delivery to minimize risks. Extreme weather conditions make this even more challenging.
As a young growing brand, we are brushing up our livestock-delivery capacity.
To ensure that your livestock is delivered at the optimal condition, we have dedicated all our delivery resources on one day - Wednesdays, between 1200hrs to 2000hrs.
Receiving Your Livestock
Receiving Your Livestock
It is best to receive your livestock in person! If not, we will keep it at a safe corner and inform you through text.